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The Bosco Boys: ¿Quién dice que no puedes ser un santo?

“The Bosco Boys” es un dúo de hip hop neoyorkino compuesto por Steven DeMaio y Stephen Eguino, dos jóvenes que en la actualidad se encuentran en formación para convertirse en sacerdotes católicos con los Salesianos de Don Bosco. Ambos salesianos, a través de la música, decidieron acercar el espíritu salesiano e invitar a los jóvenes a “ser santos en lo cotidiano”, como lo afirman en un fragmento de su canción “Who says you can’t be a saint?” (¿Quién dice que no puedes ser un santo?).

Letra de “Who says you can’t be a saint?” (¿Quién dice que no puedes ser un santo?).

Chorus: Who says you can’t , who says you can’t, who says you can’t be a saint? Who say you can’t be a saint? Boy I think you can do it Persevere gotta push through it When you’re feeling down gotta renew it Don’t just lose it, listen to music Life is a journey no cruising through it But there’s holiness in the everyday, I know that I can prove it Going to school, going to church, cooking some dinner, a job as a clerk Just keep it up! Do your duties well and let Him do the work You’re a baby, you’re a brother, you’re a teacher, you’re a Mother Just keep it up! Do your duties well and let Him do the work Chorus: Who says you can’t , who says you can’t, who says you can’t be a saint? Yeah times are tough Gotta get up no matter how rough Saint ain’t nothing but a sinner who never gave up, I’m a never give up I can, you can, we can everybody rise up Eyes up Knocking at your door, knocking at your door, knockin at your door Cuz I wanna be more! Lord let me cuz I wanna give it all Give my life so I put on Christ Peter, Paul, John, James Freed from my chains and I’m unashamed Following Christ with all I got Spirit filled while I run this race Rise up with the Saints until I see him face to face Chorus: Who says you can’t , who says you can’t, who says you can’t be a saint?

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